Selection Process

12KBW offers up to three 12-month pupillages. Second six pupils (and junior tenants) can expect a busy and varied workload with plenty of court work. We aim to offer tenancy to all our pupils. Mini-pupillages are available and further information is available under the mini pupillages tab of this website.


For 12KBW pupillages commencing October 2025, applications will only be accepted via the Pupillage Gateway, for which the timetable is as follows:

Monday 27th November 2023Publication of advertisement on the Pupillage Gateway
Wednesday 3rd January 2024Applications Open
Wednesday 7th February 2024Applications Close
Friday 10th May 2024Offers Made

Selection Criteria

Selection is on merit, and particular attention will be paid to:

  1. Academic and intellectual ability.
  2. Communication and advocacy skills.
  3. Evidence of motivation, commitment and capability regarding both a career at the Bar and pupillage at 12KBW.
  4. Other work/life experience and achievements

These criteria are considered in light of the type of work Chambers undertakes.

Selection/Interview Process

Pupils are selected on the basis of their written applications and thereafter candidates will be selected for interview.

Written applications are made through the Pupillage Gateway. In addition, 12KBW is proud to use the Rare Contextual Recruitment System (CRS). The CRS allows us to understand each pupillage applicant’s achievements in the context that they have been gained. We understand that not every candidate’s achievements look the same on paper. Through our use of Rare we aim to recruit the best people, from every background.

In terms of shortlisting, Chambers will normally seek to shortlist applicants for interview following members of chambers separately analysing the application forms. All forms are anonymised. The short list will normally be in the region of 30 applications.

As to the interview process, Chambers will usually hold two rounds of interviews. The first round will usually be by a panel of four, while the second round will be before a larger panel.

See here for Chambers full pupillage policy.

We recommend reading the 12KBW Pupillage Committee’s 2024 Report on Pupil Selection. This report, aimed at prospective pupils, reviews the 2023-2024 pupillage application process at 12KBW.

We aim to recruit a diverse, inclusive and representative selection of the very highest calibre candidates via a process which is reliable, valid, objective and transparent.