Thousands of Brits are hospitalised abroad each year, be that on a well-earned summer holiday, taking in the pistes on the annual ski trip or during a business trip overseas. The rising number of accidents abroad together with the constraints imposed by fixed costs regimes, costs budgeting and proportionality have spiked interest in the field of international personal injury claims amongst UK practitioners.
This constantly evolving area of law and the challenges posed by its quirks and complexities can be a trap for the unwary. With the introduction of Rome II and the increasing need for expert evidence from foreign lawyers and local standards experts in claims pursued before the English courts, there has never been a more important time for those involved in accident abroad cases to keep abreast of the latest developments in this exciting area and their practical implications.
This conference is a must for anyone dealing with international personal injury cases, including solicitors, barristers, foreign lawyers, medical and non-medical experts.
The conference will cover the following topics:
- claims against MIB and EU Motor Insurance Directives
- direct claims against the insurers
- personal Injury in Europe: what English solicitors cannot afford to ignore following the introduction of Rome II; updates from Italy, Spain, Germany and France
- package travel update, including selecting local experts and how to ensure they are properly instructed
- recast Brussels Regulation – what’s changed and what does it mean in practice for personal injury practitioners?
- business travel and the duty of the employer
- the Discount Rate, PPOs and Security of Funding in the international claims context
The conference will come to a close with a drinks reception for all delegates and speakers, which is kindly sponsored by Legal Abroad.