We are delighted to announce our seminar PI Claims – an Insurer’s view on 14 March 2018 at Fazeley Studios in Birmingham. This event is aimed at Insurers and Defendants’ solicitors and will address the issues from a Defendant’s perspective.
The seminar will run from 2pm to 6pm and be followed by a drinks reception.
The afternoon, chaired by Paul Russell QC, will include talks on:
– Fundamental Dishonesty: A look at s.57 CJCA 2015 and QOCS with Dan Tobin and Charlotte Reynolds
– Surveillance and Social media: How the evidence can be best deployed and proved with Arun Katyar and Farhana Mukith
– ‘Smith v Manchester’ & ‘Blamire’ awards: One or other, or both? with Catherine Peck and Rachit Buch
– Chronic Pain: A Psychiatrist’s view
with Dr Michael Bond
The event will be accredited with 3.5 APIL CPD hours.
Please note, this is a free event, and booking is required – places will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
If you would like to book a place, please complete the below booking form.