Change of venue

Due to the popularity of this event there has been a change of venue; the event will now be held at 58VE:

58  Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0DS.

Arrival at 5:00pm, with the talk stating at 5:30pm and a drinks reception afterwards.

The law concerning coroners and inquests is complex and changing.

The talk will focus in overview on the practical steps that any potential party to civil litigation should take when faced with a coroner’s investigation. There will be a review of recent case law.

Topics will include: Pre-inquest review hearings (PIRs), juries, Article 2 and scope, disclosure and witnesses, causation, conclusions and (of course) costs.


Ed Ramsay

Ed accepts instructions across all practice areas in Chambers. He specialises in healthcare and inquest law and is frequently instructed in lengthy and complex hospital inquests, including enhanced Article 2 inquests and jury inquests.  

Ed represents interested parties at all types of inquest (including Article 2 and Jury), but with particular expertise in hospital inquest cases. Ed spent two years before joining chambers working for the leading clinical negligence charity, AvMA. There he gained considerable experience of clinical negligence and inquest work, principally in the areas of mental health, hospital care of the elderly, and other serious untoward incidents. Read more…