There was a fantastic turnout, with silks and juniors from across the Inns of Court and a variety of practice areas in attendance.
Catherine Peck addressed the group on the work of 12KBW’s Women and Fair Practice Committee. The primary objective of the Committee is to support women at various stages of their careers and to set in place simple processes and staff training which best enable women’s practices to thrive. Aside from the appointment of a Women’s Officer/a Deputy Women’s officer (and the creation of a place on the Management Committee for the Women’s Officer) the recommendations have led to the creation of checklists at the heart of the way Chambers is run: including from practice management and marketing, to managing maternity/career breaks/remote working and career progression. Catherine expressed the view that such measures are not just for the benefit of female members of Chambers but are good practice to the benefit of all members of Chambers (and staff). She spoke about the need for fine-tuning to achieve these aims. Given fine-tuning cannot take place in the dark she encouraged a Bar-wide conversation about such issues.
Special thanks to Amanda Pinto QC (Vice Chair of the Bar Council) and Rachel Krys (Equality and Diversity Consultant at the Bar Council) for attending. Rachel would like to hear from anyone whose thoughts or experiences could inform her research: please email her on
Thank you also to those attending for the generous donations of interview appropriate clothing for unemployed women in need. We will be continuing to collect suitable clothing until Friday 25 October 2019 at 12KBW for anyone who would still like to contribute. To see the type of clothing required, please visit
The Female Advocates’ Breakfast is a networking event for female advocates at the Bar. For more information contact